Man running outside with mountains in background

Kevin Wakelam

B-Division SPT Coordinator

Kevin joined the PE Department in 2017 from a strong military and Physical Education background. He spent 5 years in the Army reserves (48th Highlanders of Canada), reaching the rank of Corporal, and worked for 4 years at K-Town Physiotherapy as a physiotherapy assistant and Registered Kinesiologist, and Kevin has spent 7 seasons as the RMC Rugby Team Trainer.

Kevin’s formal education includes a Bachelor of Arts with Honours and a major in Kinesiology from York University, and a diploma in Fitness and Health from St. Lawrence College here in Kingston, Ontario.

Certifications and Qualifications

Registered Kinesiologist

Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology Certified Personal Trainer

York University - Bachelors of Arts/Honours (Kinesiology)

St. Lawrence College Fitness and Health Diploma

Certified Lifeguard - NLS

Certified Open Water Life Guard - NLS Waterfront

National Coaching Certification Program - NCCP Levels Theory 1/2

Aida 2-3 Certifications (pending)

PSP FS1 and FS2 Certified

Sports Taping and Wrapping Workshop

K-Tape Workshop